Achievements 2021
Follow the achievements of our students including those in 2021
who took their first solo, gained their wings or added additional ratings.

Craig Mason
Another first solo to report. This time it was Craig Mason who completed his first flight on his own. Well done Craig!

John Stannard
First solo today for YAC student John Stannard. Well done John!

Ian Fletcher
Another skills test pass this weekend. This time it was Ian Fletcher who gained his Light Aircraft Pilot's Licence. Well done Ian!

Brendan Raistrick
Congratulations to Brendan Raistrick who passed his PPL Skills Test today.

Luke Denison
Night Rating completion tonight for Luke Denison.

Will Jones
The second of three Flight Instructor Course passes this week saw Will Jones gain his Instructor qualification having completed the 4 week course. We're now taking bookings for our FIC courses for 2022

Neil Baxter
Having completed the Flight Instructor Course at YAC, yesterday saw Neil Baxter pass his Assessment of Competence to gain his Instructor Rating. Well done Neil.

Ephraim Bempong
It's been a busy old Tuesday at YAC for skills tests. Second up was Ephraim Bempong who has also gained his Private Pilot's Licence.

Anthony Burns
Congratulations to Anthony Burns who passed his PPL skills test today!

Gill Rowlands
First solo today for Gill Rowlands. Good news like this is just what the Doctor ordered!

Joe Chatterton
Night rating pass this week for Joe Chatterton

Sam Raddington
First solo today for YAC student Sam Raddington. Well done Sam!

James Haggarty
Another night rating completed. This time it was James Haggarty who completed the course. With the sun now setting at 4pm, it's perfect timing to obtain the qualification

Joshua Sharp
Another first solo to report. Today it was the turn of Joshua Sharp to Captain the C150 on his own as part of his PPL course.

Steve Carter
First solo today at YAC for Steve Carter. Well done Sir!

Phil Morgan
Instrument Rating (Restricted) skills test pass this afternoon for Phil Morgan. You can step away from the foggles now Captain!

Simon Wellings
Second PPL test pass of the day at YAC. This time it was Simon Wellings who has gained his Private Pilot's Licence.

Rebecca Randall
PPL skills test pass today for Rebecca Randall who completed the course in the minimum time of 45 hours. Well done Rebecca!

Luke Dunkley
First solo this weekend for YAC student Luke Dunkley. Not bad going for a 16 year old!

Marcus Chan
Congratulations to Marcus Chan who today became the first graduate of the YAC Flight Instructor Course to gain his Instructor's rating. All the best for the future in your new profession!

Dave Marsh
Another Night Rating completion. This time it was Dave Marsh who has added the Rating to his Licence. Hopefully he eventually remembered to turn the Master Switch off!

Charlie Woodward
Tonight saw the second Night Rating completion of the week. This time it was Charlie Woodward who completed the 5 hour course in order to be able to fly at night.

Nashville Ram
Congratulations to Nashville Ram who completed his first solo today. Nice one Rambo!

Liam Warrior
First solo yesterday for YAC student Liam Warrior. Well done Liam!

Octave Caporossi
Second PPL skills test pass on Saturday saw Octave Caporossi successfully convert his FAA PPL to a UK one.

Tim Brooke
Skills test pass today for YAC student Tim Brooke who has now gained his Private Pilot's Licence. Well done Tim!

Robert Booth
Another first solo to report. This time it was Robert Booth who completed his first solo. Well done Rob!

Tim Heptinstall
First solo today for Tim Heptinstall. Considering he only had his first lesson on Saturday, this is certainly an amazing achieving. Well done Tim!

Jon Snowden
Instrument Rating (Restricted) skills test pass this week for YAC student Jon Snowden. With winter approaching, now is the perfect time to train towards this rating.

Giovanna Kelly
First solo today for YAC student Giovanna Kelly. Well done!

Dom Dodd
Skills test pass today for Dom Dodd who has gained his IR(R).

Luke Denison
First solo today for YAC student Luke Denison. Well done Luke!

Dan Reader
Another PPL skills test to report. This time congratulations goes to Dan Reader who has gained his wings.

Sudais Habib
Second first solo of the day, this time it's Sudais Habib conquering the circuit on his own. Well done!

Joe Chatterton
First solo today for YAC student Joe Chatterton.

Sean Whiteley
PPL skills test success today for Sean Whiteley who has completed the course in minimum hours.
Student Achievements
PPL Skills Test Pass
Owen Dungworth
Abdul Khalid
Charlie Woodward
James Pulfrey
Jake Cooper
Jake Frost
Dave Marsh
Adrian Aknai
James Woolveridge
Charlie Groves
Yasir Khan
Ric Womersley
Ted Jones
James Haggarty
Dave Marsh
Tom Brown
James Woodland
Max Verdicchio
Lynn Cooper (LAPL)
Ephraim Bempong
Anthony Burns
Brendan Raistrick
Ian Fletcher (LAPL)
Rebecca Randall
Simon Wellings
Tim Brooke
Octave Capriossi
Dan Reader
David Jones
First Solo
Cameron & Josh Adams
Marek Niedzwiedz
Jordan Barker
Max Jackson
Rebecca Randall
Keenan Freeman
Ephraim Bempong
David Jones
Dave Marsh
Tom Szczypinsky
John Dean
Harry Hutchinson
Daljit Sanghera
Daniel Beard
Sean Whiteley
Gill Rowlands
John Stannard
Josh Sharp
Sam Raddington
Steve Carter
Luke Dunkley
Nashville Ram
Liam Warrior
Rob Booth
Tim Heptinstall
Simon Wellings
Luke Denison
Giovanna Kelly
Sudeis Habib
Joe Chatterton
Kirsty Whitworth
David Jones
Craig Mason
Flight Instructor Course
Will Jones
Jolly Wong
Neil Baxter
Marcus Chan
IR(R) Skills Test Pass
Jake Didsbury
Kyle Kilmore
Grant Roets
James Thompson
Russell Till
Phil Morgan
Jon Snowden
Dom Dodd
Night Rating
Grant Roets
Joe Chatterton
Daniel Beard
Nathan Bailey
James Haggarty
Jake Cooper
Max Verdicchio
Luke Denison
Max Jackson
Dave Marsh
Adrian Aknai
Simon Wellings
Charlie Woodward
Rebecca Randall
Charlie Groves
Lewis Wise
Mo Dakri
Steve Hill